Judy Croon

Just Another Mindful Monday: How One Comedian Copes with Depression



Hi there, I’m Judy Croon, Canada’s Keynote Humourist. Welcome to another episode of ‘Laugh Long and Prosper’. It’s Monday which means it’s time for Just Another Mindful Monday. Jason Wilcox is a comic, coach and currently a consultant, too. As a comic, I first introduced Jason on stage at Absolute Comedy almost 7 years ago exactly, which feels like the last time he got to perform. As a coach, Jason specializes in working with people who are at major life stages, including those in recovery – for addiction and mental health – by helping people realize their strengths and find their confidence to make that next big change. He also speaks from experience, as someone on the recovery journey, himself – for addiction; for anxiety; and now for depression – which he has been candidly documenting off and on (mostly on Facebook) for just over 3 years. He’s here with me today to talk about… He does want it to be clear that he is speaking only from experience and is not a professional therapist or counsellor. So