Judy Croon

'Just Another Mindful Monday' Covid Stress, School, War, Hope and Perspective



Hi there, I'm Judy Croon - Canada's Keynote Humourist. Welcome to 'Laugh Long and Prosper'. Today is Monday - that means it's time for another episode of 'Just Another Mindful Monday'. As kids returned to school recently, (during Covid) everyone is stressed out. What is the right thing to do? For perspective and hope, I wanted to know what it was like to go to school during other stressful times in history- like the Second World War. Covid is serious. We have been dealing with it over a year. I can't imagine what it must be like to deal with something for over five years. For a little bit of perspective and hope and maybe even some much needed humour, I turned to a veteran of the Second World War- my father, Harry. My dad grew up in Deventer, a small Dutch town not far from the German border. Many times, Deventer was caught in between the Allies and the Germans .Talk about stressful times. For the most part, most kids still went to school. Here is just one of those stories. For more information