Judy Croon

Laugh Long And Prosper #BringItOn2021



Laugh Long And Prosper #BringItOn2021 Hi there, I'm Judy Croon - Canada's Keynote Humourist. Welcome to 'Laugh Long and Prosper' Shelf Help with a Smile. Stress Busters with a Smirk. You get the point. So let's get Started. I don’t know what was scarier in 2020…Donald Trump or Covid. Certainly, both of them have had me cowering in my house for a few months at the beginning of the year. But then I felt inspired by Joe Biden: the little engine that could. Slowly but surely, his campaign started to gain traction throughout the year and lo and behold, he and Kamala Harris won the US Election. I felt inspired by Joe Biden for many reasons. His old-school talk about having ‘steel in your spine’ made me want to strike a Rosie the Riveter pose and start saving kittens out of trees. I was also inspired by ‘The Joe Biden Jog’. You know the jog -the five or six little steps that Joe does just as he’s about to take the podium. I now do the ‘Joe Biden Jog’ myself whenever I’m on one of my slow daily walks and I thin