Judy Croon

Psychic Fridays :Psychic Nikki Predictions for 2021



Hey there, I'm Judy Croon. Canada's Keynote Humourist. Welcome to Laugh Long and Prosper. Shelf Help with a Smile. Stress Busters with a smirk. You get the point. So let's get started. Time to heal. After 2020 - Psychic Nikki says 2021 is when we, as individuals and as a planet, start to slowly get better. After all, it's the 'Age of Aquarius' - brought on by a Saturn/ Jupiter alignment. For those of you who felt like your life hit a pothole in 2020 and had your alignment completely thrown off – have no fear. Saturn, Jupiter and Canadian Tire are here. Psychic Nikki says this is going to be great time for our planet. We are going to have an ocean make-over as we start to really clean up our blue marble. Nothing like a little global pandemic to scare us into action. Better late than never though, right? Psychic Nikki says it may take a while so we have to be patient. We will probably still be wearing masks and Zooming in slippers until the fall but there is a big payoff in 2022. That’s when she says it wi