Judy Croon

The Gift Of Laughter -Virtual Stand Up Comedy Course



The Gift of Humour 2020. Let’s face it. It’s been a challenging year. Covid has forced us to mask up, distance and sanitize our hands until they are raw. We’ve had to isolate, bubble and some of us have had to learn so much new technology, we could probably talk Apollo 13 down. We’ve faced more ZOOM meetings that we care to think about. Thank goodness for the front line and essential workers who have done everything to keep the rest of us safe. Without them, we would be lost -or worse. Compared to other global catastrophes - war, earthquakes, tsunamis- Covid asked the majority of us to do one thing: stay home. Watching Netflix is not a hardship. It has brought us gems like the latest season of the Crown, and of course, the Queen’s Gambit. If you haven’t seen The Queen’s Gambit, may I say it has renewed my passion for tranquilizers. I mean chess. I’m not good at chess. I have to take a nap after four moves, but this mini-series has inspired me to become a better player as well as, step up my wardrobe g