Judy Croon

10 months 10 resolutions - Surviving COVID19



10 months 10 resolutions - Surviving COVID19 I decided at the beginning of 2020 that I was going to make 12 smaller resolutions – one per month- rather than one resolution for the whole year. I started off the year with a small goal. I was going to watch less CNN. I know. Reach for the stars, Judy. Then COVID 19 hit. Lately, I’ve been watching so much CNN, Wolf Blitzer should have me on as an expert guest. Like many, I was in shock. The self-quarantining didn’t help. Everything I tried to do, I felt like I was in a spacesuit. Daily life seemed heavy and cumbersome. Being asked to do nothing was like being asked to do everything. Where to start? How to start? Did it really matter? Slowly, the confusion started to clear. Like Sandra Bullock in Gravity, I found a manual. Everyone’s manual is different. Here’s what’s working for me – so far. Ask me in ten minutes. Step 1 Give Yourself a Break Be patient to yourself. Be kind. Our minds have funny ways of turning on us. You know you’ve got demons