Judy Croon

Judy interviews 'How Can We Make Manufacturing Sexy' author Karin Lindner



Judy interviews Karin Lindner- author of 'How Can We Make Manufacturing Sexy'. Karin is the founder and owner of Karico Performance Solutions. She has found her calling and her true passion in helping individuals and manufacturing companies to become the best they can be. An author, corporate coach and reputed keynote speaker, Karin enjoys working with leadership teams to increase their personal and organizational effectiveness by fully engaging the energy, talent and intelligence of the workforce. With more than 25 years of international corporate experience, Karin has acquired the knowledge and developed the tools to make a positive impact on her clients’ lives. Karin is a passionate promoter of the manufacturing industry. She is determined to help people discover the sexiness of the manufacturing industry – an industry that is critical to the wealth and prosperity of any country. Karin can be reached at http://www.karicosolutions.com/keynotes/ 647-401-5274