Brick By Brick

Episode 5 // JBlaze // Musician/Choreographer/Entrepreneur



Today I had the opportunity to interview Johnny Erasme, aka, JBlaze. In the dance industry, he's had a lifetime full of successes and experiences and has been blessed to dance with the likes of Justin Bieber to Chris Brown and countless other jobs that dancers can only dream of. But in the interview today, we talked his current transition from dance to music and what that path looks and feels like. He was able to shed light on his motives and inspirations, and what keeps him going day in and day out. As someone under the age of 30 with over 15 years experience in the industry as an entertainer/creative, Johnny had a lot of wisdom to share. I hope you guys enjoy this interview! He's a super laid back guy on a mission to provide for himself and his loved ones doing what he loves, and theres many things in that, that we can all take away and apply to our own lives.