
Longing For Love, Or The Lover?: Zahra Abukar



This story is about a fifteen year old tasting love for the first time but the sweetness of that first love being abruptly cut short by distance and other life circumstances, and the many years she spent longing for that sweet tasting love -- or was it the lover? Zahra Abukar has been a Portlander for over 10 years, a transplant from Mogadishu, Somalia. A mother, daughter, sister, community organizer and a student, Zahra has her plate full. Working towards her Master’s degree in counseling, Zahra hopes to provide psychosocial support to immigrant and refugee families. KISS AND TELL February 8, 2018 Zahra Abukar live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Hosted by Lynne Duddy and Lawrence Howard of Portland Story Theater MAY THE NARRATIVE BE WITH YOU®