Youth Ministry In Motion

How To Have The Best Year In Youth Ministry, Ever!



I know I said I was taking a few weeks off, but I created something that could give you the best year in youth ministry you have ever had. The new year is coming and you might be thinking of being a planner, but don't. You don't need a planner, you need a playbook! Planners are great if you want to write dates down, but can a planner show you the right questions you should be asking and at what time of year you should be asking them? The answer is no, at least not for your youth ministry, that's why I created one for you. The playbook is filled with articles, calendars, fill in the blank assessment sheets, a teaching calendar and much more. To check out the video I made where you can actually see the planner, head over here To buy the physical planner, go here To buy the pdf, go here I am still in flux as to what do about the podcast next year. First, I'd appreciate your prayers. If I am meeting a need, I certainly