Jude 3 Project

Christianophobia - Special Guest: Dr. George Yancey



On this episode, Dr. George Yancey joins the podcast todiscuss his new book HostileEnvironment: Understanding and Responding to Anti-Christian Bias and the term Christianophia.  Dr. GeorgeYancey is a Professor of Sociology at the University of North Texas. He is theauthor of Christian works such as One Body, One Spirit: Principles ofSuccessful Multiracial Churches (InterVarsity Press), Beyond Racial Gridlock:Embracing Mutual Responsibility (InterVarsity Press), co-author of United byFaith: The Multiracial Congregation as an Answer to the Problem of Race (OxfordUniversity Press) and co-author of Transcending Racial Barriers (OxfordUniversity Press). He has also authored several research articles on the topicsof interracial marriage and multiracial churches. Along those lines he is alsothe author of Multiracial Families (Routledge) which explores the currentliterature on different aspects of interracial families and Neither Jew NorGentile (Oxford University Press) which explores racial issues on Protestantco