Soul Crush

Soul Crush Ep. 22 Singing your Highest Note with Heidi Rose Robbins



Join us this week with astrologer and poet, Heidi Rose Robbins, as she visits the Soul Crush podcast once again to discuss and explore the realm of the soul’s purpose with Adriana Rizzolo.   In this episode Heidi and Adriana discuss: How astrology can underline and pinpoint what each of our soul’s purpose + habitual patterns in this life are.   How to be generous in our services in our soul's purpose AND also generous to ourselves within the moon-patterned moments.   What we can discover in our rising sign + moon position in our birth charts, and how to use this to the fullest advantage of self-information for our plans in life.   Learning tools and articulation of how to express the energy of our birth charts and discovery of our innate talents.    Developing a sense of humor in the reflection of our “moon-to-the-rising sign patterns” and continued cycles that may seem to hinder our destination in life.    Being kind and soft to ourselves and others.    Heidi Rose Robbins will be a guest teache