Soul Crush

Soul Crush Ep. 21 Sex + Relationship with Olivia Clementine



In this 60 minute class Adriana + Olivia who are long time friends and dharma sisters, will discuss both practical and esoteric ways to connect to your sexuality as well as the spiritual path of relating.  In this recording of their virtual class, Adriana + Olivia discuss some topics such as: Ways to open to greater pleasure during sex, and how to stay cultivate it when alone. Common communication pitfalls and ways we can open to greater intimacy both to ourselves and another. How to stay in connection to our worth with boundaries when relating to others. Meditation and guidance for connecting to the wildness of our love. Olivia Clementine is a healer and mentor as a relationship guide, having deepened her own practices and teaching within the realms and cycles from the ancient Nyingma buddhist school, and Chöd from the 11th century Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön.   Olivia persistently explores methods of communication, somatic and subtle body awareness, erotic tension, as well as mind modifi