Soul Crush

Soul Crush Ep. 20 What is Tantra with Malcolm McQuirter



This episode is part of Power of Love School's Free Online Series, where we are learning about the roots of Yoga, how it can heal us and how we can open to more diversity and inclusivity into our practice, hearts, and lives.   Join Adriana Rizzolo with guest speaker, Malcolm McQuirter in this Real Talk about Tantra.   In this episode, Malcolm shares with our listeners: What Tantra is and how we cause learn more to deepen both our yoga practice and take back out lives from societal conditional and suffering. What Goddess worship is really all about from a traditional perspective and how this applies to those of us wanting to honor and appreciate the traditions of Yoga. The true meaning of the Guru, how yoga gets passed down from teacher to student, the issues with themwe have, and what it really means to live with an awarness of greater ALIVENESS. Meditation and how it can help us tap in to that root of our souls power, passion and pleasure filled living! To find out more about Malcolm an