Soul Crush

Soul Crush Ep. 17 w Sara Avant Stover – Redemption + Radical Recognition



In this One Year anniversary and closing of this season of Soul Crush we get down with teacher and author Sara Avant Stover. We get all into healing, the voice, speaking up, abortion and how we heal shame through sharing. How we are being asked to not only work on ourselves, but to turn around and do something to contribute to the wider problems int he world. Thank you for tuning in and send us feedback, join us on retreat in Ojai and connect on instagram @artofloving. "We cannot draw boundaries between our Dark Goddess energy, sexual energy, creative energy, health and vitality, and spiritual energy — they are all one and the same. We need to recognise our innocent, luminous, erotic nature — not just with our minds, but also through our direct participation in life. Once our raw vitality wakes up from old trauma and frozenness, it melts into the nectar that transforms the darkness into light, spirit into matter." (from The Book of SHE) Learn more about Sara here. "There is a soul thread, that is why we