Soul Crush

Soul Crush Ep. 15 Mark Whitwell – Unspeakable Beauty



    On today's show of Soul Crush I get into all things God, sex, death and the true understanding of yoga of the heart as shared by Mark Whitwell. Mark is a refreshing voice of reason in a mostly otherwise mad yoga world, and proclaims repeatedly that there is a yoga for everyone while speaking to the many misunderstanding of the popularized yoga of our time. He dismantles the ideas that we are winners or losers in our patriarchal power structures, including the spiritual world. And how we are going to restore hope in humanity by reclaiming the Mother Nature wildness that is this body. I am very grateful to have shared this time. Find Mark and his upcoming training in Bali on his website and on Instagram. Rate us on iTunes and reach out to me @artofloving with questions and feedback. "Each one of us is the power of the cosmos that is arising s pure intelligence that even science cannot understand. It is unspeakable beauty, life. Everything in the natural world is utter beauty, sunlight on the water, each st