I Love Madison Show

The Piano Gal Is Here To Connect The Community Through Music, EPISODE #25



Once again, the I Love Madison team is back with another great episode that highlights the amazing community of Madison, Wisconsin! In the “On Mission” segment, Chris Sorensen talks with a foster care champion about her family's experience of helping to love and nurture foster care kids in the community. Her story is an inspiring one! You'll enjoy hearing the perspective of a brand new resident in the “My Move” segment from Chris Reese, then Neil Mathweg interviews The Piano Gal Marta Hensen to talk about her shop, her love of old pianos, and how she is connecting the community through music! The Game of Magnets is in full swing! There are so many great reasons why you should play the Game of Magnets! There are tons of Madison residents who have already joined and are on the search for more magnets around the city! After you receive your magnet, you can register it on social media, then keep an eye out for other magnets around the city. If your magnet or a magnet you have registered gets selected, you win som