Dd Podcast

First Listen Fridays: Cody Coyote



The DD Podcast is back with another First Listen Friday, and this week you're in for a treat. We were first introduced to Cody Purcell (aka Cody Coyote) a few years ago, and connected with him for a 20 Questions interview in 2016. As we quickly learned, there's a lot more to Cody than his music. Growing up in Ottawa’s East End, he discovered drugs at a young age and fell in with a rough crowd. Fueled by anger and a steady dose of alcohol, his adolescence revolved around violence, crime and depression. Then, at the age of 20, he tried to kill himself. This week on First Listen Fridays, Cody talks about getting sober, discovering his culture, reflecting reality through art and using his music to inspire others. He also premieres Someday, the first single from his forthcoming album, Mamawi.