Conversations With Alexis

Episode 307 | A Conversation with Shawn & Jennifer Spears



Welcome to Episode 307, A Conversation with Shawn & Jennifer Spears.  What happens when two distinctly different paths led by God merge and become one? A custom-made love story from God.  I sat down with this couple and learned about their unfolding story of love and kingdom purpose. We addressed everything from transparency, brokenness, prison, restoration, love and legacy wealth building.  It sounds like a lot because it is a lot.  We packed a lot into this conversation.  I don’t ascribe to couple goals, but I am inspired and encouraged by God given love stories and I believe that is what you will hear and see in this episode. Whether married or single, I am sure you will hear something in this conversation that will open your heart and encourage your faith.  Join me now for this conversation.