Conversations With Alexis

Episode 306 | A Conversation with Jay Barnett



Welcome to Episode 306, A Conversation with Jay Barnett.  Jay is an Author, Speaker, Marriage & Family Therapist and former NFL Football Player.  I know all of that sounds wonderful and indeed it is.  But he is also a victor, overcomer, survivor believer and so much more. He has a remarkable journey of low lows that has lead to some incredible and purpose filled high highs with even more on the horizon. We covered a lot from forgiveness, therapy for men, suicide to working in your sweet spot and we could have kept going. Jay unknowingly challenged me in this conversation.  I was led to lay most of my pretty little thought out questions aside and just talk. It produced an authentic and transparent conversation that just may change some lives. I know it will encourage you and especially speak to the hearts of men. Join me now for this conversation.