Preaching In Pumps | Sermons By Rev. Sarah E. Weaver

1.12.2020 - Remembering That We Are All Worthy



Last year I had some major FOMO when all my friends were preaching Baptism of Christ and doing amazing remembrance of baptism liturgies and I was on the Year of Mark and didn't get to join in on the fun.  It didn't work out this year that I was able to do a big baptism remembrance (which honestly, I'm not sure how you do logistically that with 160 people in church anyway!) but we did do a liturgy in between concerns and celebrations where I offered a blessing from the font and then that led into the pastoral prayer.  It was lovely!  And, after receiving a lot of positive feedback, it reminded me that sometimes less is more and simple things really can make a difference in people's lives. Enjoy! -Sarah