Preaching In Pumps | Sermons By Rev. Sarah E. Weaver

11.24.2019 - Walking The Walk



Hi friends!  We finished up our sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount this week with a beautiful Thanksgiving worship service, which included a baptism and a beautiful cornucopia on the altar.  I used my sermon not only as an opportunity to talk about this text, but also to wrap-up what we talked about this fall. Preacher friends, this was a great series!  There are one or two things I would tweak in terms of the schedule, but I thought 12 weeks was a good amount of time to get through it.  Did we touch on everything?  No - but you never will!  But if we had broken it down into a longer amount of time, I think it would have been too long.  Feel free to reach out by email or social media if you'd like me to send you our schedule and any more information. Enjoy!