Preaching In Pumps | Sermons By Rev. Sarah E. Weaver

6.16.2019 - Holding The Tension With Grace



Guys. We started the summer with a bang on Sunday. A few highlights. - Our Music Director totally spaced that we moved to 9AM and so worship started "fashionably late". - My sweet little angel baby was in worship because our nursery care provider isn't contracted for the summer and he MADE HIS PRESENCE KNOWN.  When I stood up to make announcements he yelled, "MAMA GET DOWN!" and then cried when Bruce said, "shhhh".  At one point he ran up to the pulpit, found a leftover confetti canon from Easter and set it off.  Bruce took him out and then his friend, Bridget, who was sitting behind him with his mom started crying, "I want Harrison!"  #PKlifebelike - I found a typo in the baptismal liturgy, which was totally my fault and ugggggh.  I hate that. - A cat ran into the sanctuary at the end of my sermon and made it halfway down the aisle before one of the Deacons caught up to her. Sooooo, yeah.  I need to regroup this week. I was preaching on the condemnation of Jesus, which I imagine rendered its own level of cha