Preaching In Pumps | Sermons By Rev. Sarah E. Weaver

1.13.2019 - Looking For Signs



Hi friends!  I know it's been awhile.  We closed on our house at the beginning of the summer and then my computer crashed and then I just couldn't pull it together to get my sermons uploaded.  But I'm back and ready to try again!  I really love connecting with everyone, so thank you for being patient with me! Now onto Sunday's sermon ...  Back in mid-July we embarked on a year-long sermon series called The Year Of Mark.  Inspired by my dear friend Jon Chapman, we literally started at the beginning of the Gospel of Mark and just steadily began to preach through it.  It's been amazing!  I do have all of my Year Of Mark sermons (and I will at least post the text, if not the audio eventually!) and it will be fun to have that collection one day.  But for the time begin, we're picking up in the middle of it and talking about God's signs.  Enjoy!