Preaching In Pumps | Sermons By Rev. Sarah E. Weaver

2.25.2018 - A Faith Like Abraham's (All Of It!)



Hi Friends! Ignore the fact that I kind of sound like a baritone in the audio this week.  I'm pretty sure one of us has been sick at some point throughout the entire month of February.  I'm SO ready for spring! I decided to preach through the Epistle selections in the lectionary throughout the Lenten season this year.  Obviously, I preached the Gospel last week (Lent 1 = Jesus in the wilderness), but I am going to try to stay in the letters from here on out.  I preached out of Romans this week, which was paired with the Abraham narrative in Genesis, because Paul talks about having a faith like Abraham's.  We sang and danced to Father Abraham during the children's sermon and then I talked about looking at the entire Abraham narrative when we think about having faith like his. Enjoy! -Sarah