Preaching In Pumps | Sermons By Rev. Sarah E. Weaver

9.17.2017 - Welcoming From Within



You'll see in my sermon that I gave my church a charge this week to go into fellowship after worship and talk to someone they had never talked to before.  I wasn't sure how it would go, but it was awesome!  I posted this on Facebook on Sunday night: During my sermon this morning, I charged everyone to go into fellowship after worship and talk to someone they had never talked to before. Not necessarily someone new - just someone they didn't know. We all know how easy it is to just get comfortable in our little groups and social circles but are never sure how to break the cycle. Might as well all give it a shot together, right? I told everyone if they needed an ice breaker, they could either talk about the weather OR use the opening line, "Can you believe Sarah is making us do this?" And seriously - by the time I went downstairs to my office to drop off my robe and walked into fellowship, I literally NOTICED a difference in conversation in the room. I saw people I know didn't know each other talking and laughi