I Share Hope: Chris Williams

Random Acts of Kindness with Robert Williams #isharehope Episode 78



    Co Founder of The Kindness Offensive (or TKO for short). The Kindness Offensive (or TKO for short), founded in 2008 by Robert Williams with three of his friends, had mobilised volunteers to donate, wrap and then deliver 38 tonnes of toys across the capital. Recipients included children in hospitals across London, while the children of prisoners were also supplied with gifts so they could give their parent a present at visiting time. It was just one of the latest initiatives undertaken by the group as part of its commitment to undertake "random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty". So far, these acts have included: going round festivals giving out pineapple drinks to revellers; giving spare change to people instead of asking for it, like most charities; cooking free pancakes on Shrove Tuesday; and handing out chocolate bars to random people on streets of London.