I Share Hope: Chris Williams

24: Dante LA. Jimenez - Hope vs Corruption - #isharehope



Dante LA Jimenez founded Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption (VACC) on August 3, 1998. The original officers of the organization were mostly victims of heinous crimes, noted lawyers, civic-minded businessmen and youth leaders led together with Mr. Lauro G. Vizconde.     The Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption (VACC) is a non-stock, non-profit non-government organization (NGO) which envisions a relatively crime-free and corruption-free Philippines. It aims: to eradicate criminality and corrupt practices to assist victims and to work for the improvement of the criminal justice system. VACC actualizes this vision with its various programs: court monitoring, legal aid, psychological counseling for victims, radio and television broadcast on actual cases and referrals to concerned agencies. As it lives out this mission through these programs, the VACC has evolved into a highly-regarded NGO for providing assistance and support to victims and for its unwavering stand against all forms of government corruption