Taps And Tees

Golf Interview- Robert Winskowicz, SQAIRZ Founder



When it comes to delivering the perfect swing, golf shoes are highly overlooked. In fact, they are seen as a mere fashion accessory next to your carefully chosen clubs and balls.  But when it comes to feeling more balanced and stable in your swing, the science is in the shoe… Knowing how to use the force of the ground is essential for playing your best game (and creating swing speeds you’ve never imagined). In this episode, SQUAIRZ founder Robert Winskowicz reveals the key to perfecting your swing and why the science of the shoe will drive your best game yet.  Show highlights include: How a pair of work shoes triumphed over golf shoes on the course - and why your feet control the game more than you think. (1:58) Nick Faldo’s CBS secret to having shoes that ‘snap like a towel’ and why it improves your golf swing every time. (12:22) Why the greatest striker in the world put 13 cleats on each foot - and how to play like a pro through the power of the ground. (22:29) How to make your feet the center point of all