Taps And Tees

Bombtech to Email Marketing~ Tyler "Sully" Sullivan



The power of email marketing is unquestionable. You can create a community of the best customers, build an authentic brand platform of brand recognition, and do it all while still having time to golf (or down a few beers).  But most entrepreneurs sending emails that don’t look like ‘preachy sales letters‘’ is where most entrepreneurs fail. - and fail. In this episode, Bombtech Golf CEO and co-founder of Ecom Growers Tyler Sullivan discusses what makes email marketing authentic to a thriving business and the truth about developing relationships through an inbox.  Show highlights include: The “accidental entrepreneur” approach to building a brand in a competitive space instantly. (0:40) How to have the conversations that attract loyal buyers and sell at seven-figure rates today. (8:28) Why no one responds to your emails and how send authentic emailsto have the authentic approach to your inbox that offer (and sell)s a product everyone loves. (17:12) How to instantly engage with your community and launch product