Taps And Tees

Marketing Interviews- Ben LeDonni- Creative MMS



A good website grows your brand, lets you stand out and brings you new customers. But most websites suck—even if agencies charge thousands for them. If your website isn’t clear, persuasive and on-brand, you lose out on thousands of potential customers.  In this episode, website expert Ben LeDonni stops by. Today, he tells you about the mistakes amateur agencies make—and how to fix them so you don’t get burned.  Want to quit what doesn’t work and get results? Listen now! Show highlights include: Why custom-coded websites can be horrible for your business (even though they cost 10x as much). (6:45)  If your agency asks you for these 5 things, hire them on the spot. (9:35) How agencies “burn” business owners. (13:48) Why a great website is cheaper than you think. (16:18) Hidden marketing improvements Big Tech is hiding from you. (26:55) What Big Tech doesn’t want you to know about marketing yourself. (26:55) A good reason to fire your agency—even when they get results. (29:35)  An overlooked travel destination