Taps And Tees

How you're affecting the community



When talking about community within the context of social media, it can have lots of different meanings depending on who you ask which creates confusion for the majority of craft beer and golf brands/businesses. For you to get real results from your social media marketing, it’s essential you focus a portion of your time building AND nurturing a community of people who love your brand. Today, you’re going to learn how you can leverage social media by pulling people together to create a close community of loyal, raving fans. Show Highlights: - What does the word ‘community’ actually mean when it comes to social media and how you can leverage it in your marketing (0:45) - Two of the GREATEST markets that are second-to-none at bringing a community together (1:30) - The one thing you most definitely shouldn’t talk about with your social media community (10:50) - Using current events and trends to build a loyal community of people who love your brand and what you stand for (11:40) If you enjoyed today’s show, make