Brand Yourself

02: How to Grow Your Business Organically with Jennifer Racioppi



Jennifer Racioppi is a holistic health counselor, a behavioral specialist, a Duke certified health coach, and a registered yoga teacher who blends together her expertise in astrology, positive psychology, and women's health to coach high achieving female entrepreneurs. In this episode, you'll discover what happened when she jumped into creating a business before she was ready, how she grew her client base and online following organically, why she highly recommends taking beta clients before launching your coaching programs, how she was able to blend together her passion for coaching and astrology to create a unique brand, the incredible work she has done on herself to heal and take her business to a higher level, the biggest mistake she thinks people make with their personal brands, why resilience is an essential ingredient to success in both life and business, why it's essential to learn to manage your energy, how we can leverage astrology and the moon cycle to support our business growth, why you should tre