Ink & Quill

InQ Episode 96: "Among Others"



New father, new boarding school, new “friends” (if you can call the girls in school “friends”), a twin sister gone and an insane mother. Oh, and of course that father you have never seen before takes you away from Wales to England,  so now, you also have to deal with culture shock. Great! This is Mori’s life in a nutshell. And to add insult to injury, she needs the help of a stick to help her walk, making her the pariah of her new boarding school. Awful, right? Well it would be if it weren’t for Sci-Fi novels and faeries. Yes, faeries! They do make life a bit better, if you know where to look. A great Hugo Award winner that takes you through Mori’s life at 15. Written in the form of a diary, the novel takes the reader through the trials and tribulations of a teenager discovering love, life and whole bookshelves of Sci-Fi novels :)