Love Sex Desire With Susana Frioni

Discover the mysteries of the female body with Bonnie Bliss.



Bonnie Bliss is a Yoni specialist, Tantric bodyworker, workshop facilitator and certified Somatic Sexologist who specialises in women's sexuality. She lived in Copenhagen for 3 years working as a Tantric massage therapist and became fascinated with Yoni Massage and the potential of this type of bodywork to support women to become more blissful, orgasmic, connected and free in their sexuality. She created a modality called Yoni Mapping, a 3 hour private session for women which she also refers to as a "guided tour of your vagina". Now based in the Byron Bay hinterland, Bonnie co-created "The Yoniverse Tour" with Elise Savaresse. The Yoniverse Tour is a series of workshops and retreats for both men and women to discover the mysteries of women's sexuality and the Yoni, which is seen as the infinite mystery of the universe in the Tantric tradition. Elise and Bonnie have been touring Australia with these workshops - sharing them with sold out groups of men and women in Sydney, Melbourne, Byron Bay, Perth and Brisb