Snyder Showdown

001 | Welcome to The Snyder Showdown



Attention Business Executives: Meet Chris Snyder, the successful, straight-talking Internet business expert with zero patience for losing, a potty mouth and chip on his shoulder. Aka: Entrepreneur, Investor,  Juhll Digital Agency - Partner, - Founder, Managing Partner, - Partner. Chris wants you to NOT be the idiot in the room. Stop paying fake consultants $500/hour to screw up your business. Leapfrog decades of hands-on experience and start effectively managing your entire internet business landscape: strategy, research, management, systems integrations, cross-functional operations, product development, sales automation, acquisition, retention, paid media, analytics, tracking, web design and development. The Snyder Showdown podcast is super addicting, sort-of funny and seriously refreshing!  With a straightforward, no-nonsense, no-bull approach, Chris' epic, no-holds-barred showdowns debate everything from firing your brand team for subjective decision making to paying a 6-figure