John Carruthers' Podcasts

Dick Tremayne and the Menswear Five Episode 004



Welcome to the fourth episode of our Twin Peaks Podcast - Dick Tremayne and the Menswear Five, John Carruthers, Joseph Goss, and Nevada Nada - longtime fans of the show and David Lynch's work in general, have a chat about the Second Episode of Twin Peaks, with the occasional tangent... because, why the hell not? This is not as spoiler free as previous episodes so enter with caution. As we say in the podcast, though, if you haven't seen the show why are you listening to this? Go watch the show. It's amazing. Come back once you've watched the Pilot and Episode One and Two at least. Feel free to leave feedback or like us on Soundcloud or ITunes (or both... on both) and you can talk to us about the podcast on Twitter either at @sdrawkcabemanym or @josephgoss