Dr. Jim Richards

4. Faith in the Heart



Of all the truth religion leaves out, omitting the truth about the heart may be the most destructive. Until faith is alive in our heart it’s only intellectualism. Nothing with God is real if our heart isn’t involved. When faith in the heart isn’t involved godliness turns to works righteousness, truth turns into the doctrine of men, and love becomes selfish manipulation! Everything in our walk with God loses its foundation of power in our lives until it’s embraced with faith in the heart. Yet, when the heart is involved we open the door to the eternal and we connect with God on a level that can’t be intellectually grasped. Faith in the heart moves us to immovable, miracle-working, mountain-moving faith. This week in Impact CyberChurch I want to introduce you to the secret of Faith in the Heart; it will change the way you walk with God!