Dr. Jim Richards

4. Healing the Broken Heart



The Bible describes the fruit of a broken heart as a person in the darkness of a prison whose doors have been open but, because of their inability to properly perceive the world around them, they don’t realize that freedom is theirs. In other words, they succumb to a false perception. This is spiritual PTSD. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that “...the heart is deceitful…” That word literally means “covered with footprints.” As such, it becomes wicked, i.e. chaotic and beyond knowing. This is a picture of someone who has experienced so much pain from past trauma that they have no capacity to know themselves or know the world around them as it truly is. Jesus also said He came to proclaim the Year of Jubilee. In the Old Testament this was a reference to all financial debts being paid. In the context of the New Covenant this refers to all our emotional debt, all of our sin, and all that brings us death and pain being paid off completely. Join me this week in Impact’s CyberChurch as I share the good news of Healing t