Dr. Jim Richards

7. Breaking Free from Your Emotional Past



When Jesus told the Jews they were blind they became irate. We read it and wonder why they were so closed; yet, when someone implies that we don’t really see the truth we react in a very similar manner. The concept of being blind doesn’t necessarily mean we don’t see anything; it can mean our sight or perception is blurred or darkened. The truth is we are all partially blinded by our past. Many of the truths we do see we only see partially. In many instances we know a truth intellectually but we have never been able to move to a place where it actually benefits our life. The main thing that limits our perception and ultimately our understanding is our past experiences. We interpret the present by our past. We limit God’s promises based on past successes, failures, and painful experiences. Our past creates an emotional loop that causes us to see the world and life a certain way. This limited view affects our choices which falsely validate our perception. It is a cycle few believers ever overcome. Join me this