Dr. Jim Richards

5. Confessions of a Persuaded Heart



All too often we want to believe God but we find ourselves in the same place as the man who said, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” In other words, we do believe but we aren’t fully persuaded. We believe but we find ourselves wavering from time to time. We would realize this as a very normal part of the journey into unwavering faith except for one thing. For a half century we were told that we could not admit our unbelief because it was a bad confession. What a dilemma! I’m struggling with my faith but I can’t admit it because to do so would destroy what faith I have! It is exactly this kind of pop-theology that has driven people away from faith and into deeply conflicting doctrinal delusion. We must be comfortable with where we are in the journey of faith about any given issue. God does not condemn us when we haven’t reached the place of immovable faith. In fact, the Bible shows us that He will lead us on a journey of persuading our heart. Abraham, the Father of Faith, spent somewhere between 25 and 37 ye