Dr. Jim Richards

1. Choose Life



Choose the Life of God in every situation. Among the many things religion has taken away from the truth about God are our freedom, responsibility, and authority to make decisions for life or death. Based on Luciferian theology that emerged from Greek mysticism the entire world fell under the illusion of determinism, fatalism, and an unscriptural concept of God’s sovereignty. The entire human race passively neglects its responsibility to choose a life that is rooted in the promises of God; then when our life defaults to destruction, we blame God! To regain the life God has freely given in Christ we must rediscover the power of making decisions. The first decision we must make is, “Will I choose life or death?” If you’re waiting on God to choose the future for you, you don’t understand your identity in Christ. Join me this week and recapture one of the most valuable aspects of being created in the likeness and image of God: the authority to choose life! Share this with your friends and help them change the cour