Dealing With Phillip

Dealing With Phillip: Ep. 14 Speaking With Phillip with My Marine Friend



DISCLAIMER: The cast of Dealing With Phillip are not mental health professionals. If you, or anyone you know, are having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 (800) 273-8255 or text “go” to 741-741 to the Crisis Text Line. You are not alone. Many in this world love you, (including the members of this podcast). Feel free to share this episode with anybody. It's PG for a reason. In this episode: Andrew and his Marine friend talk about proper nomenclature for former marines, a history of friends, vet cliques, Andrew’s super manly day, swearing in airports, Baseball With Phillip, Flu in Fallujah, how to get to war, more baseball, the first time out, friendly fire, his first exposure to real combat, loss explained through Mario, American Sniper, PTSD stereotypes, “it was an honor,” the pros and cons of proposing before deployment, faith, Mass Effect anger, and computer stuff. Also, check out "Fallujah Awakens." It's an interesting story about marines life around the time of