Profitable Farmer

Episode 28 - Sound advice for an up and coming new farmer. Stop complaining and smile more



One of our clients, David Westbrook, shared an article that he’d written recently.   It really inspired me, so I decided to interview him for this month’s podcast.   David has agreed for me to share his article with you:   What advice would I give to an up and coming farmer?   Simple... just smile more.   We worry about everything and this creates resistance to what we truly want.   We need to read, we need to journal, we need to get educated on our core focus and we need to implement, but if we just smile every now and then.... we will get there so much quicker and happier.   We worry about the rain, we worry about the markets, we worry about what others think of us.   Where does this worry get us? Nowhere, in fact it makes us go backwards.   We do our due-diligence on the markets, we have a risk mitigation strategy for a drought, and you know what? Other people aren’t even thinking about us anyway. Do you know why? Because they’re too busy worrying about what you think of them!   We spe