Enoughness With Lisa Wang

33. When Failure Equals Success with Tina Cheng, Founder & CEO, Capsul Jewelry



The fear of failure is often more paralyzing than actually failing. Fear is what holds us back, not failure. Fear keeps us from living our truth and acting on new ideas. Failure gives us the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and apply our learnings to something better. Where would any of us be if we always let the fear of failure be bigger than the opportunity to succeed? When we visualize the future, our anxieties can feel so physically heavy on our shoulders that it keeps us stagnant. Often, we look at other people, and deeply believe that we could never do what they did. In this Enoughness episode, Lisa chats with Tina Cheng, a serial entrepreneur and mother, about how she’s shed the fears of starting a new business and how she’s allowed herself to explore the unknown. They explore how building multiple businesses and experiencing both success and failure shaped her into the woman she is today. They discuss: How to let failure guide you to success How to learn to trust and believe in yourself and y