

I answer the common question: "Do I need to travel to learn a language? In this episode: Against traveling: As a tourist, you will often find you are spoken to mostly in English Even if you are able to practise, it can be limited to simple exchanges – such as ordering in a restaurant or buying a train ticket People in certain countries are notorious for resisting helping you practise their own language, preferring to speak English instead If you’re not a confident, outgoing person, the very thought of practising with native speakers might terrify you! Making friends using only your target language is difficult, and unlikely to happen until you are a more advanced speaker and live somewhere for a more extended period People who decide to live and work abroad often find themselves in an English-speaking environment, with few opportunities to practise the language. Working full-time, they are busy and tired, and have limited study time, despite living in the country itself For staying at home: A stable life a