Getting Personal: Omics Of The Heart

30 July 2019



Jane Ferguson:                Hi everyone. Welcome to Getting Personal: Omics of the Heart, the podcast from Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine. I'm Jane Ferguson and this is episode 30 from July 2019.                                            First up we have a paper, the Subtype Specificity of Genetic Loci Associated With Stroke in 16664 cases and 32792 Controls, from Matthew Trailer and colleagues on behalf of the NINDS Stroke Genetics Network and the International Stroke Genetics Consortium.                                            They were interested in understanding whether genetic loci previously found to be associated with stroke have distinct associations with stroke subtypes, specifically ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. They compiled data sets through an international consortium to analyze 16664 stroke cases and 32792 controls, all of European ancestry. The cases were subtyped using two different stroke classification systems: the Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment, or TOAS