Getting Personal: Omics Of The Heart

Ep16 Caitrin McDonagh



Jane Ferguson:                 Hi, everyone. Welcome to Getting Personal: Omics of the Heart. This is podcast episode 16 from May 2018. I'm Jane Ferguson from Vanderbilt University Medical Center and this podcast is brought to you by Circulation Genomic and Precision Medicine and the AHA Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine. Jane Ferguson:                 This month we talked to Dr. Caitrin McDonough from the University of Florida. We briefly mentioned her paper in last month's episode Genetic Variants Influencing Plasma Renin Activity in Hypertensive Patients From the PEAR Study, but we wanted to go into it in more depth this month. Caitrin shared with us that this manuscript actually resulted from student course work and was a collaborative effort between students and instructors. The manuscript highlights has successful as approach can be both in increasing student engagement and as an effective way to do high quality research. You can hear her talk more about her innovative approach to student learni