Getting Personal: Omics Of The Heart

ASHG Virtual Poster Session



Jane Ferguson:                  Hi Everyone. Welcome to Getting Personal: Omics of the Heart, your podcast from Circulation Cardiovascular Genetics. I'm Jane Ferguson, an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and an associate editor at Circ Genetics. This is Episode 9 of the podcast from October 2017.                                                 This month we were on the road and traveled to sunny Orlando, Florida for the annual Scientific Sessions of the American Society of Human Genetics. While there, I had the chance to talk to some of the researchers presenting posters in the sessions on cardiovascular genetics and genomics, which you'll hear in just a moment. While at ASHG, we had the chance to organize a CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing boot camp. Those of you who attend a JR ATVB/PVD Scientific Sessions might have had the chance to participate in a boot camp in previous years, and this is the first time we were able to offer a boot camp at ASHG. These boot camps are based on a flipp