Getting Personal: Omics Of The Heart

Sunlight, VitD and CVD



Jane Ferguson:                Hi, everyone. Welcome to episode six of our podcast. I'm Jane Ferguson, the current chair of the Professional Education and Publications Committee of the Functional Genomics and Translational Biology Council of the American Heart Association. It's July as we're recording this, so hopefully all you listeners in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying the summer and taking a break to catch up on your podcast queue, maybe while relaxing at the beach or while navigating the twists and turns of the airport security line.                                            In honor of summer, we're doing something a little different this month and featuring a bite-sized podcast with some research about how your vacation plans might be affecting your heart disease risk. For all our friends in the Southern Hemisphere, I'm sorry that this may be less relevant to you right now, but hopefully you're having a nice winter and enjoying the ability to go outside without sweating. On to our topic, let's ta